What preparations do you need to make to sell water bottles?

Today, our colleagues from the Foreign Trade Department came over and asked me why I don’t write an article about the sales of water cups. This can remind everyone what matters should be paid attention to when entering the water cup industry. The reason is that more and more people have joined cross-border e-commerce recently, and many of them choose water bottles by chance. The Ministry of Foreign Trade often receives inquiries like this. Then I will briefly share what you need to prepare in the early stage of selling water cups.

plastic water bottle

First of all, we are targeting friends who are engaged in cross-border e-commerce.

When you first enter the water cup industry for sales, you must first determine your sales market area, because countries in different regions around the world have different testing requirements for the import of water cups. Regarding what testing and certification are required in some countries, such as Europe, the United States, Japan and South Korea, we have already talked about it in previous articles and will not repeat it again. In short, you must first clarify the testing requirements before you can have a better understanding of the market you are about to sell to.

Secondly, we need to figure out what consumer groups the water cup faces?

Are there any special groups? For example, infants and young children are a special group. Not all infant water cups can enter various regional markets. It does not mean that these infant water cups can be sold to infants and young children after they have undergone certification similar to those in Europe, America, Japan and South Korea. For the sales of infant water cups, In addition to the testing and certification of various countries, products must also provide testing certification and safety certification that meet the standards for use by infants and young children. At the same time, especially in European and American countries, product materials must be certified to meet infant-level standards.

Finally, make sure the water cup has a complete set of packaging

The complete packaging includes the water cup outer box, water cup packaging bag, water cup desiccant, water cup instructions, water cup outer box, etc. In this case, the instructions for the water cup are particularly important. When doing cross-border e-commerce sales, if a product does not have instructions, when consumers are dangerously injured during improper use, the seller will often be severely punished because there is no instruction manual, including removing the product from the shelves. , or even get into legal disputes in serious cases.

plastic water bottle

Find a reliable factory

friends who engage in cross-border e-commerce are often involved in trading activities, which means they do not have factories, so choosing a factory with high cooperation and good reputation is particularly important preparation. Many friends who are engaged in cross-border e-commerce do not pay attention to the conditions of the factory when selecting products, and are more attracted by the appearance and price of the products. These are certainly an important part of product selection, but everyone has to think about whether this is your first time entering the market. Cross-border e-commerce industry? Is this your first time contacting the water cup industry? Do you just want to try the cross-border e-commerce platform? As the saying goes, there are mountains across the world. When you first come into contact with something you don’t understand, you must do more research, communicate more, and analyze more. What should you do if this factory is not very cooperative and the production cannot keep up and the stocking is not timely when the large investment in operating expenses has just been exchanged for sales? What should you do if the reputation of this factory is relatively poor and the products you sell in large quantities are returned due to substandard quality or materials?

In addition to choosing a reliable factory to cooperate with, you need to understand from multiple channels what type of water cup the market you are about to face needs. Many friends who are doing cross-border e-commerce for the first time always use their own efforts to create popular products to prove their abilities. If you want to build a long-term business, it is right and necessary to think this way, but when you first enter the market, , it is recommended to be a “follower” first, and use various e-commerce platform data to analyze the top few most popular merchants in the water cup level market you want to enter. Their products are the best-selling, and the ones with the largest sales may not necessarily be the ones with the highest profits. Often in the sales data of these merchants, the products ranked third and fourth are the ones with the highest sales profits. After analysis, you can select products in a targeted manner, earn some traffic through the other party’s promotion, and also test the waters many times. Only in this way can you know more clearly how to build your own store later.

plastic water bottle


Before selling water cups, you must have a systematic study of water cups, and understand the materials, processes and functions of water cups. Avoid giving customers an unprofessional feel during sales.

Since water cups are commonly used products in people’s daily lives and are fast-moving consumer goods in the market, you must be prepared for product iterations when selling water cups. After understanding the market, you must determine which of the water cup products you sell are designed to attract low traffic. Profitable products, which ones are competitive mid-profit products, and which ones are exclusive high-profit products. It is best not to sell only one product when selling water cups, otherwise it is easy to lose some customers in need.

Before selling, you must have a certain understanding of the market’s consumption habits. Understanding consumption habits can not only effectively reduce production costs. For example, water cups sold in many offline supermarkets in Europe and the United States do not require product outer boxes and are usually hung by hanging ropes. On the shelf. Of course, there are also some countries that focus on product packaging, which need to be understood before entering the target market.

plastic water bottle

Learn about the platform

What needs to be understood is how the platform charges, how the platform manages products, and platform promotion costs. Don’t wait until you open the platform to find out. It’s not advisable to get on the boat and then find the oars.

The most important thing when selling water bottles is to first confirm your sales plan, whether it is a short-term behavior or a medium- and long-term behavior. Because these determine what kind of water cup you choose to enter the market. Since water cups are fast-moving consumer goods, the unit price of the product is low and the market demand is large. Therefore, the water cup market is highly competitive. For other daily necessities, water cups are products with relatively many production processes. Therefore, new products will appear in the water cup market every month. It will be difficult to quickly create a hot product among the many products. In the short term, it is recommended that merchants use water cups as an extension of other products. This will not only reduce the pressure on the short-term performance of water cup sales, but also increase the corresponding sales profits.

Post time: Mar-28-2024