Plastic bottle bottom logo

The 7 markings on the bottom of the plastic bottle represent 7 different meanings, do not confuse them”

No. 1″ PET (polyethylene terephthalate): mineral water bottles, carbonated drink bottles, etc. ★ Do not recycle beverage bottles to hold hot water: heat-resistant to 70°C, only suitable for warm or frozen drinks, high temperature It is easy to deform if it is liquid or heated, and substances harmful to the human body may melt out. Moreover, scientists found that after 10 months of use, Plastic No. 1 may release the carcinogen DEHP, which is toxic to the testicles. Therefore, throw away beverage bottles after use, and do not use them as water cups or storage containers for other items to avoid causing health problems.

Large Capacity Sports Handle Kettle
“No. 2″ HDPE (high-density polyethylene): cleaning supplies, bath products★ It is not recommended to recycle if cleaning is not thorough: it can be reused after careful cleaning, but these containers are usually difficult to clean and the original cleaning supplies remain. It becomes a breeding ground for bacteria and you’d better not recycle it.
“No. 3″ PVC: rarely used in food packaging★ It is best not to buy and use: this material is prone to produce harmful substances at high temperatures, and it will even be released during the manufacturing process. After toxic substances enter the human body with food, it may cause Diseases such as breast cancer and birth defects in newborns. Containers of this material are rarely used for packaging food. If in use, never let it get heated.

“No. 4″ LDPE: cling film, plastic film, etc.★ Do not wrap the cling film on the surface of food for use in a microwave oven: the heat resistance is not strong. Usually, qualified PE cling film will melt when the temperature exceeds 110°C. , leaving behind some plastic preparations that the human body cannot decompose. Moreover, when food is wrapped in plastic wrap and heated, the fat in the food can easily dissolve harmful substances in the plastic wrap. Therefore, before food is put into the microwave oven, the plastic wrap must be removed first.

“No. 5″ PP: Microwave lunch box ★ Remove the lid when putting it in the microwave oven Usage: The only plastic box that can be put in the microwave oven and can be reused after careful cleaning. Special attention should be paid to the fact that for some microwave lunch boxes, the box body is indeed made of No. 5 PP, but the lid is made of No. 1 PE. Since PE cannot withstand high temperatures, it cannot be put into the microwave oven together with the box body. For safety reasons, remove the lid from the container before placing it in the microwave.
“No. 6″ PS: bowls of instant noodles, fast food boxes ★ Do not use microwave ovens to cook bowls of instant noodles Usage: It is heat-resistant and cold-resistant, but cannot be placed in a microwave oven to avoid releasing chemicals due to excessive temperature. And it cannot be used to pack strong acid (such as orange juice) or strong alkaline substances, because it will decompose polystyrene that is not good for the human body and can easily cause cancer. Therefore, you want to avoid packing hot food in snack boxes.
“No. 7″ PC other categories: kettles, cups, and baby bottles.

Post time: Jun-11-2024