Can plastic water cups with the same cup shape and different materials use the same set of molds

First, plastic materials with similar material properties and the same production method can share a set of molds. However, these are based on many conditions, such as the process requirements of the product, the difficulty of production, the structural characteristics of the product itself, etc. If If the above conditions are met, for example, AS bottle blowing molds and PC material can share the same mold, and PC plastic molds can share the same mold with Tritan material, but it must not be because AS can be shared with PC, and PC can be used with Tritan Sharing means that AS and Tritan materials can share a set of molds. The production processes of AS and tritan are obviously different, and the production parameters are also quite different.

tail sippy cup

Secondly, there are more cases where the same set of molds cannot be shared. Take a simple disposable coffee cup as an example. They are also injection molds, but if the materials are melamine and Tritan, they must not share a set of mols. , because the two materials have completely different requirements for the production process, including the temperature, pressure, production time, etc. required for production. Whether it is an injection mold or a bottle blowing mold, the editor understands the thoughts of purchaser friends very well. After all, the cost of plastic molds is relatively high, and I hope that they can be used as much as possible, so friends must consider in advance which material to use when deciding on plastic products. , of course, the premise is reasonable pre-purchase and cost investment in cost-effectiveness.

Similarly, the plastic material PP is soft and may undergo shrinkage and other material changes during production, so it cannot share molds with other plastic materials.

And to answer a friend’s question, does it mean that the higher the cost of plastic materials, the higher the processing technology requirements, and at the same time, the production cost will be better? Let me briefly talk about it here, because if this issue were discussed from a professional perspective, a book could probably be published, but at the same time, it is true that we do not have this ability.

The requirements for the production process do not entirely depend on the materials, but also on the product structure and finished product quality requirements. The relative production cost of high material prices must be high, but it does not mean that production takes longer or the production labor cost is high, but that the material cost is high.



Post time: May-16-2024