Buying an RPET water bottle is equivalent to saving 4 waste mineral water for the earth

At present, many organisms caused by marine litter are becoming extinct one after another, and we are implementing energy conservation plans.

On average, when you buy an RPET kettle, it means that four mineral water bottles abandoned on the earth are utilised. Then four consumables are missing. It also saved the energy consumption of a new kettle. Although this data is very small, if everyone is doing it, it will be a good thing in favour of the earth.

Every day, including ourselves, sometimes we have to make helpless waste. On the way, we will buy a bottle of water, drink a bottle of drinks, buy some snacks, but it still causes consumption. Even if we are conscious, we will still make wasteful results. Our bottles are collected at a low price by the Resource Recycling Office for categorising varieties, A-level PET is classified into the food level, and the B-level PET coloured bottles are classified into the chemical use area. The brand is different and the colour is different. We all need to make a clear classification. Where they should go, the bottles are turned into tiles, and the tiles are cleaned, high temperature and screened. At present, there are many equipment. In the processing of recycled materials, there is an electrostatic sorting machine. The working principle of electrostatic separation is that the physical charge is grounded and rolled with the machine, and the electrode exchanged, so as to realise physical sorting, and the separation purity can be as high as 99%.

Well, when we are making new materials, materials manufacturers will submit third parties for testing certificates and food-grade EU certificates, and sell them. As we buy, purchase and produce kettles, we will routinely test materials to ensure that all items produced are in contact with food. Export it.

At present, we have exported nearly 1 million RPET bottles. We expect to save the earth 4 million abandoned mineral water bottles and 1 million cups of new energy. This is the real data embodiment. At present, our energy-saving plan is progressing more and more enthusiastically.

If you also pay attention to it, you can know a little about our products. Maybe this will be an opportunity for us to know.


Post time: Sep-24-2022